Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC)
(Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development)
At Shakespeare Junior School, we recognise that the personal development of pupils, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally, plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve.
Our pupils have discussed their understanding of Spiritual,
Moral, Social and Cultural development and have given some examples of how we demonstrate our understanding of it across the curriculum and around our school.
Spiritual development
Children develop their spirituality when they understand, but not necessarily follow, religious beliefs and improve their personal experiences and growth.
How do we develop our spiritual learning in this school?
- Music
- Art
- Maths
- Science: growing etc
- Class rules
- School council
- RE
- Outdoor learning
- Geography
- Visits to places of worship
- Singing
- Concerts
- Class assemblies
- Gardening
Moral development
Children’s moral development happens when:
- children learn the differences between right and wrong
and use it in their everyday lives
- they learn to say sorry and forgive people
- the children learn their rights and responsibilities
How do we develop moral learning in our school?
- Rights, Respect and Responsibilities (RRR)
- Parent participation
- Assembly
- School council
- School rules
- Clubs
- E-safety, fire safety and water safety
- R.E.
- Behaviour - rewards and sanctions
Social development
Social development describes or relates to the ways people spend time with and cooperate with each other.
How do we develop social learning at our school?
Social learning:
- School Council
- Links with schools abroad
- Charity
- School buddies
- R.E
- French
- History- Romans, Anglo, Saxons
- Rights, Respect & Responsibilities (RRR)
- Music
- Sports competitions
- Roles in the classroom
- PCSO visits
- Theme days
Cultural development
Culture is a word to describe people's ways of life; their habits, beliefs, traditions etc. This means the way groups do things. Different groups of people may have different cultures.
A culture is passed on to the next generation through learning. How do we develop our cultural learning at our school?
- We learn modern foreign languages
- Educational school trips
- World book day
- Productions/Class assemblies
- Author week
- School choir
- School Visitors e.g. Mayor
- Sports day
- Festivals
- Sporting events around the world
- School curriculum e.g. Art, RE, English, Geography, History, Drama.
- Authors visiting e.g. Guy Bass
- Links with Uganda
- Non school uniform day to raise money